Excellence in Service Award

The Excellence in Service Award (EISA) is a way CASL recognizes servant leaders across the state of California.

The application window to submit an EISA closed as of January 27th!

What is the EISA Award?

Created by the CASL Service Committee, its intention is to acknowledge and celebrate students who go above and beyond in their acts of service. Whether an individual or a group is giving back to their campus or community, we aim to spotlight student leaders’ ability to be compassionate and authentic listeners of their community on a local, regional, or state level. We at CASL recognize student leadership is more than putting on traditional spirit activities. Our intention with this award is to prompt students to re-evaluate and establish what it means to be a servant leader. Therefore, this award is not intended only to recognize students who are part of their Associated Student Body or designated leadership organization. Instead, this award is for everyone and anyone who is interested and passionate about serving their community. Servant leaders and servant leadership groups come in all forms, and this award aims to recognize all of them.

Students sitting together
Student speaking on stage

What qualifies as a service project?

Under the Excellence in Service Award, students apply to recognize service projects coordinated and executed by either individuals or groups of servant leaders.A service project could entail executing an initiative on or off-campus that fulfilled a student, group, community, and state need. The definition of a service project is left open-ended intentionally – as this is your opportunity to elevate the voices of others while creating altruistic experiences that revisit your “WHY.” However, the most important condition applicants for the EISA must follow is that the project can not solely promote spirit.

Review the EISA Guidebook

EISA Guidebook

Ready to Submit Your EISA Application?

Apply Now

Need Help with EISA?

The CASL Board Service Committee is here to help!

Katarina Dragasevic

Katarina Dragasevic

Alumni 2024

José Dueñas

José Dueñas

Adult Advisor

Sandi Kurland

Sandi Kurland

Executive Director

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